Current Chicago Radio FM Mixshows

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Current Chicago Radio FM Mixshows

Post by classicb96 »

103.5 FM WKSC (KISS FM) Chicago
Club Kiss, Saturdays 12:00am - 4:00am. Feature house mixes by local Chicago DJ's.

104.3 FM WBMX (JAMS Chicago) Chicago
Throwback Mixes (Fri-Sat) 10:00pm - 2:00am. The BMX Four. (DJ Nonstop, DJ Metro, DJ Flipside, Julian Jumpin Perez)

107.5 FM WGCI (GCI) Chicago
Midday Mix, Weekend Mix shows. The station seems to do mixes frequently at different times throughout the week. Hip-hop, Rap from Chicagoland DJ's
Jamal Smallz: Friday: 10pm, Saturday: 5pm Rush Hour Mix 1am 10pm Sunday: 5pm Rush House Mix Sunday:12am Hometurf Midnight Mix

102.7 FM WVAZ (V103) Chicago
Old School Friday Mixes. Throwbacks and house mixes Friday nights beginning at 7:00pm to 1:00am.

93.5 FM WVIV (Latino Mix) Chicago
5 O'Clock Latino Mix. This is a Hispanic station featuring English/Spanish house/dance mixes.

92.7 FM WCPY (Dance Factory Radio) Chicago
Dance Factory Mix Shows Friday, Saturday 7pm - Midnight. Features house mixes from Chicagoland DJ's

106.3 FM WSRC (Chicago's R&B) Chicago
R&B station that airs house mixes on Fridays: 9pm – 1am

102.3 FM WYCA (The Beat) Chicago
On Saturday nights, The Saturday Night Live Ain’ No Jive Chicago Dance Party takes center stage on 102.3 FM in the near SW suburbs of Chicagoland. The mix show begins at 7PM CT and goes til 4AM. Before and after that, it’s all throwbacks, classic hits and more! Friday Night mixes beginning at 10:00pm.


96.3 FM WBBM (B96) Chicago (Note: The B96 unofficially ended in August 2020)
B96 Street Mix featuring local and world DJ's mixing from 10pm-4am. Changed to 12:00am - 2:00am later.

101.1 FM WIQI (i101) Chicago (Note: i101 FM was short lived (2012 - 2014) and signed off the air within 2 years. There was much hype around i101 because it was one of the first "Old School" adult hits FM radio stations in Chicago in over a decade.) Featuring the iParty mixes from DJ's like Harry The Blade, Teri Bristol, Mario Smokin Diaz, Tim Spinnin Schommer, Frankie Hollywood Rodriguez.

101.1 FM WKQX (Q101) Chicago (Note: No longer on the air as the show ended after 12/17/2016)
Queued Up, Sundays 7pm. Features local mix shows of various EDM style music.
Long live Chicago radio. For DJ Equipment, CD's, Tapes, and more, visit: [External Link Removed for Guests].
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